Yaqut Cholil Qoumas
Minister of Religious AffairsSubmit now! We will keep you updated about this conference.
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The Main Theme of the 23nd is “Redefining the Roles of Religion in Addressing Human Crisis: Encountering Peace, Justice, and Human Rights Issues”. Under this main theme, the speakers at the 23nd AICIS are expected to focus on the discussion on Encountering Peace, Justice, and Human Rights Issues.
Yaqut Cholil Qoumas
Minister of Religious AffairsReligion, throughout history, has served as a powerful source of comfort, hope, and support during crises, addressing issues like climate change, poverty, and armed conflict. It plays a crucial role by offering solace, fostering social solidarity, and mobilizing resources for those in need. Despite its positive impact, challenges exist, such as the potential for religious beliefs to exacerbate conflict and division. There is a growing movement to redefine the role of religion, emphasizing social justice, inclusivity, interfaith dialogue, and technological engagement
Global humanitarian crises demand a multifaceted response. Religion, while a source of comfort, can also be a catalyst for positive change. Religious leaders and communities, through education and interfaith cooperation, have the potential to address root causes like conflict and poverty. However, caution is required to prevent religious dogma from perpetuating violence. The role of religion in humanitarian crises is complex, yet its power to inspire action and foster solidarity is undeniable. Embracing inclusivity, interfaith dialogue, and a focus on shared values can channel religion’s influence towards building a just and equitable world. AICIS 2024 aims to generate recommendations for global peace.
Muh. Ali Ramdhani
Director General of Islamic EducationAhmad Zainul Hamdi
Director of Islamic Higher EducationThe AICIS 2024 conference explores the crucial intersection of Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In the face of 21st-century challenges, global solidarity for sustainable development is emphasized. The SDGs, established by the UN in 2015, provide a universal roadmap for a just and equitable future. Fiqh, the body of Islamic legal and ethical principles, plays a vital role in addressing contemporary issues such as poverty, hunger, gender equality, and environmental sustainability. The conference theme, “Fiqh and SDGs: Encountering Justice, Conflict Resolution, and Inclusiveness,” highlights the urgency of interdisciplinary collaboration for a more sustainable and just world.
AICIS 2024 merefleksikan interaksi antara kajian agama (Islam) dengan berbagai tantangan kemanusiaan saat ini. Tema-tema hubungan antara Islam dan nasionalisme, kewargaan, hak asasi manusia masih terus mencari keseimbangan di antara berbagai ketegangan dan penerimaan. Ketegangan sosial politik internasional, seperti perang antara Rusia-Ukraina, konflik Israel dan Palestina, serta berbagai ketegangan dan konflik di berbagai belahan bumi lainnya, secara konstan melahirkan berbagai tanggapan dengan sentimen keagamaan yang kuat. isu ketidakadilan, ketimpangan hubungan internasional, serta skema kemanusiaan universal pada akhirnya tetap menjadi tema-tema penting setiap perbincangan peran agama di era kontemporer. Nilai-nilai dasar setiap ajaran agama (keadilan, kesetaraan, dan perdamaian) terus menerus dituntut peran solutifnya dalam menghadapi tantangan-tantangan tersebut.
AICIS 2024 reflects the interaction between the study of religion (Islam) and various contemporary humanitarian challenges. Themes related to the relationship between Islam and nationalism, citizenship, and human rights continue to seek a balance amid various tensions and acceptances. International socio-political tensions, such as the war between Russia and Ukraine, the Israel-Palestine conflict, and various tensions and conflicts in different parts of the world, consistently generate various responses with strong religious sentiments. Issues of injustice, inequality in international relations, and the universal humanitarian scheme ultimately remain crucial themes in every discussion of the role of religion in the contemporary era. The fundamental values of each religious doctrine (justice, equality, and peace) are continually demanded for their problem-solving role in facing these challenges.
AICIS 2024 تعكس التفاعل بين دراسة الدين (الإسلام) وتحديات الإنسانية المعاصرة المتنوعة. المواضيع المتعلقة بالعلاقة بين الإسلام والقومية والجنسية وحقوق الإنسان ما زالت تسعى إلى تحقيق توازن وسط مجموعة من التوترات والقبول. التوترات الاجتماعية والسياسية الدولية، مثل حرب روسيا وأوكرانيا، وصراع إسرائيل وفلسطين، ومجموعة من التوترات والصراعات في أنحاء مختلفة من العالم، تولد باستمرار استجابات متنوعة مع مشاعر دينية قوية. قضايا الظلم وعدم المساواة في العلاقات الدولية، والنظام الإنساني العالمي في نهاية المطاف تظل موضوعات حاسمة في كل مناقشة حول دور الدين في العصر المعاصر. القيم الأساسية لكل تعاليم دينية (العدالة، والمساواة، والسلام) مطلوبة باستمرار لأداء دورها في حل هذه التحديات.
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Annual International Conference on Islamic Studies
Thursday- Sunday
Feb 1-4, 2024
+62 813-2811-9770
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